Peng Chau Archive
The Peng Chau Community Archive was initiated to create a common history of the island to pass on to younger generations. Photos & oral history collection sessions are regularly organised.
Everyone can bring her/his own photos and memories to complete this collective puzzle.
坪洲線上資料館將收集坪洲的舊照片,成立網絡資料庫並舉辦展覽,希望能夠提供機會予長者居民將珍貴的島上記憶數碼化,為當地營造共同回憶,追溯集體歷史,增強坪洲社群的歸屬感 。
collective research workshop
July 2022 - ongoing
Supported by:
Bridging Grant, ETH-Zurich
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HETS-Geneva).
July 2022 - ongoing
Supported by:
Bridging Grant, ETH-Zurich
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HETS-Geneva).