Borrowing the Shoreline
‘Borrowing the Shoreline’ is a 6-session research workshop aimed at observing and learning from how we use the Peng Chau shoreline. The works generated progressively help us be aware of the unique way we live on this island.
The workshop is organised as part of the Marine Connections Laboratory, affiliated to the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Western Switzerland (HETS-Geneva).
“借用海岸線”是一個包含六個活動的研究工作坊,旨在觀察和學習如何使用坪洲海岸線。期間所得成果,將會用於在島民空間舉行的小型展覽。我們為一項研究提供幫助的同時,也讓我們認識到我們在這片土地上的獨特生活方式。整個工作坊研究為隸屬於瑞士西部應用科學與藝術大學 (HETS-Geneva) 的Marine Connections Laboratory提供資料。
collective research workshop
november-december 2022
online exhibition
Ming Po newspaper
Supported by:
Bridging Grant ETH-Zurich,
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (HETS-Geneva),
november-december 2022
online exhibition
Ming Po newspaper
Supported by:
Bridging Grant ETH-Zurich,
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (HETS-Geneva),

participants walked on the shoreline, observed and sketched spatial organisation, movements, memories. A discussion followed to share participants’ findings and interpretations.
霍隽穎畢業於香港大學文學院,主修地理,後取得園境建築碩士。2014年於倫敦巴特萊特建築學院修讀空間設計:建築及城市,取得理學碩士後於倫敦從事園境設計。回港後於 Snøhetta 任職資深園境設計師。居島4年。
FOK Chun-wing is a landscape designer living in Peng Chau. He studied geography and earned his master’s degree in
landscape architecture at HKU. In 2014, he continued his studies in space syntax at the Bartlett UCL. He has been practising in both London and Hong Kong, and currently working at Snøhetta.
participants walked on the shoreline, observed and sketched spatial organisation, movements, memories. A discussion followed to share participants’ findings and interpretations.
霍隽穎畢業於香港大學文學院,主修地理,後取得園境建築碩士。2014年於倫敦巴特萊特建築學院修讀空間設計:建築及城市,取得理學碩士後於倫敦從事園境設計。回港後於 Snøhetta 任職資深園境設計師。居島4年。
FOK Chun-wing is a landscape designer living in Peng Chau. He studied geography and earned his master’s degree in
landscape architecture at HKU. In 2014, he continued his studies in space syntax at the Bartlett UCL. He has been practising in both London and Hong Kong, and currently working at Snøhetta.

The shoreline’s presence is not only visual but multisensorial. Frequent or surprising, the sounds of the shoreline are so familiar to us, yet we pay little attention to them. This session focused on recording sounds and ambiances with DIY tools and making sense of them.
Andio LAI Chung Man is interested in making sound objects and machine art, some are built to be used in his sonic performances. He obtained BA (Hons) in Creative Media, School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong & MA in Fine Arts at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Through the practice of Media Archeology, studying tools development and the relative history of interfaces, his works focus on the subject matter of experimental instrument, playing, toys and human-machine relation.
soundpocket is a registered charity founded in 2008. It promotes the art of sound and listening and its research and education in Hong Kong.
The Library by soundpocket is a website of sounds that tell stories about Hong Kong culture and society. It aims at creating a community of active listeners who are curious about listening as a way of knowing ourselves and each other. It also aims at contributing to our public culture of listening.
The shoreline’s presence is not only visual but multisensorial. Frequent or surprising, the sounds of the shoreline are so familiar to us, yet we pay little attention to them. This session focused on recording sounds and ambiances with DIY tools and making sense of them.
Andio LAI Chung Man is interested in making sound objects and machine art, some are built to be used in his sonic performances. He obtained BA (Hons) in Creative Media, School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong & MA in Fine Arts at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Through the practice of Media Archeology, studying tools development and the relative history of interfaces, his works focus on the subject matter of experimental instrument, playing, toys and human-machine relation.
soundpocket is a registered charity founded in 2008. It promotes the art of sound and listening and its research and education in Hong Kong.
The Library by soundpocket is a website of sounds that tell stories about Hong Kong culture and society. It aims at creating a community of active listeners who are curious about listening as a way of knowing ourselves and each other. It also aims at contributing to our public culture of listening.
We casually discussed islands literature and ways of being on the islands. Participants then wrote stories based on their own detailed observation of shoreline elements that triggered their curiosity.
梁寶山 – 藝評人,香港中文大學文化研究博士。關注藝術生態及文化政治。 著作包括《活在平常》及《我愛Art Basel :論盡藝術與資本》。 居住南丫島二十年,近年對島嶼研究產生興趣,是南丫島模達灣歷 史及社會研究計劃的主研究員,其出版物《模達今昔》亦將於2021 年年底出版。
李嘉儀 – 香港作家,畢業於香港中文大學中國語言及文學系, 曾任香港文學雜誌《字花》編輯與創作班導師,創作以新詩、散文與短篇小說為主。作品曾獲大學文學獎、青年文學獎、中文文學創作獎與李聖華現代青年詩獎,著有《曝光》(2022)。
Anthony LEUNG Po-shan – An art critic, Leung received her doctoral degree in Cultural Studies from the Chinese Uinversity of Hong Kong. With a particular interest in art ecology and cultural politics, she has written several books including Living in Peace/amid social Changes and I Love Art Basel. Having lived in Lamma Island for 20 years, she has developed an interest in island studies in recent years. She is the main researcher of Historical and Social Research of Mo Tat Wan, Lamma Island Project.
LEE Ka-Yee – Hong Kong Writer. Lee holds a B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Lee used to be one of the editors of literary magazine Fleurs des lettres and a creative writing tutor. Her writings including poems, proses and short stories. Lee’s work has won The Intervarsity Creative Writing Competition Award , Youth Literary Awards, Awards for Creative Writing in Chinese and Lee Shing-wah Modern Youth Poetry Awards. Author of Exposure (2022).
We casually discussed islands literature and ways of being on the islands. Participants then wrote stories based on their own detailed observation of shoreline elements that triggered their curiosity.
梁寶山 – 藝評人,香港中文大學文化研究博士。關注藝術生態及文化政治。 著作包括《活在平常》及《我愛Art Basel :論盡藝術與資本》。 居住南丫島二十年,近年對島嶼研究產生興趣,是南丫島模達灣歷 史及社會研究計劃的主研究員,其出版物《模達今昔》亦將於2021 年年底出版。
李嘉儀 – 香港作家,畢業於香港中文大學中國語言及文學系, 曾任香港文學雜誌《字花》編輯與創作班導師,創作以新詩、散文與短篇小說為主。作品曾獲大學文學獎、青年文學獎、中文文學創作獎與李聖華現代青年詩獎,著有《曝光》(2022)。
Anthony LEUNG Po-shan – An art critic, Leung received her doctoral degree in Cultural Studies from the Chinese Uinversity of Hong Kong. With a particular interest in art ecology and cultural politics, she has written several books including Living in Peace/amid social Changes and I Love Art Basel. Having lived in Lamma Island for 20 years, she has developed an interest in island studies in recent years. She is the main researcher of Historical and Social Research of Mo Tat Wan, Lamma Island Project.
LEE Ka-Yee – Hong Kong Writer. Lee holds a B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Lee used to be one of the editors of literary magazine Fleurs des lettres and a creative writing tutor. Her writings including poems, proses and short stories. Lee’s work has won The Intervarsity Creative Writing Competition Award , Youth Literary Awards, Awards for Creative Writing in Chinese and Lee Shing-wah Modern Youth Poetry Awards. Author of Exposure (2022).

如何在地圖上表示海岸線及其各種用途? 在本次工作坊中,我們將探索一下如何將沿岸觀察到的數據以不同方式繪製,從簡單的空間記錄到更實驗性的繪圖。
How to represent the shoreline and its varied uses on a map? We explored different ways of mapping our observations along the shoreline, from simple spatial recording to more experimental drawings.
Myriem ALNET 是坪洲的城市研究者,也是《Islanders 島民》的聯合創始人。她嘗試通過對地方的研究、文化行動和與學術界的接觸來改變大眾對日常空間的表述。
Myriem ALNET is a researcher of urban studies based in Peng Chau, and co-founder of Islanders 島民. She experiments on ways to shift representations about spaces of the ordinary through research, cultural action and engagement with the academia.
How to represent the shoreline and its varied uses on a map? We explored different ways of mapping our observations along the shoreline, from simple spatial recording to more experimental drawings.
Myriem ALNET 是坪洲的城市研究者,也是《Islanders 島民》的聯合創始人。她嘗試通過對地方的研究、文化行動和與學術界的接觸來改變大眾對日常空間的表述。
Myriem ALNET is a researcher of urban studies based in Peng Chau, and co-founder of Islanders 島民. She experiments on ways to shift representations about spaces of the ordinary through research, cultural action and engagement with the academia.
在觀察和反思海岸線的使用方式之後,思考一下我們當前和未來的出海需求:我們可以想像什麼樣的輕型結構? 然後,我們將使用紮作技術將這些想法具體化為模型。
After observing and reflecting on ways of using the shoreline, let’s think about our current and future needs to access the sea: what kind of light structures could we imagine? Using zizaat, we tried to materialise these ideas into large-scale models.
夏華強 – 坪洲紮作師傅, 為香港少數現存紙紮師傅, 1985 開始至現在完成海陸豐式大士王五十餘個 ,作品曾於2014年台北香港週華山文創園區展出 。
Islanders 島民 enquires into islands, their people and lifestyles to develop original perspectives on sustainable living. Based on Peng Chau, we offer space for islanders to build a common future respecting the soil, its people & cultures.
HA Wah-keung is one of the few Zi-Zaat (Chinese handicraft with paper and bamboo) master in Hong Kong, Mr. Ha has made over fifty Hoklo style “Ghost Kings” using paper and bamboo since 1985. His works were also exhibited at the Hong Kong Week of Huashan Creative Park, in 2014.
After observing and reflecting on ways of using the shoreline, let’s think about our current and future needs to access the sea: what kind of light structures could we imagine? Using zizaat, we tried to materialise these ideas into large-scale models.
夏華強 – 坪洲紮作師傅, 為香港少數現存紙紮師傅, 1985 開始至現在完成海陸豐式大士王五十餘個 ,作品曾於2014年台北香港週華山文創園區展出 。
Islanders 島民 enquires into islands, their people and lifestyles to develop original perspectives on sustainable living. Based on Peng Chau, we offer space for islanders to build a common future respecting the soil, its people & cultures.
HA Wah-keung is one of the few Zi-Zaat (Chinese handicraft with paper and bamboo) master in Hong Kong, Mr. Ha has made over fifty Hoklo style “Ghost Kings” using paper and bamboo since 1985. His works were also exhibited at the Hong Kong Week of Huashan Creative Park, in 2014.
當我們的生活開始紮根海岸線時,讓我們想像一下在海邊的新生活型態。 本次工作坊將探討小說式寫作和視覺敘事如何幫助我們將自己投射到尊重生態系統的生活方式中。
As we take root on the shoreline, let’s imagine new ways of living by the sea. This workshop explored how fictional writing and visual story-telling can assist us in projecting ourselves into lifestyles that respect living ecosystems.
姚冬穎 – 畢業於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學(與香港藝術學院合辦)的藝術文學士課程,主修繪畫。她的創作一直關注自然與人文關係,近年以古地圖、水墨、影像及拼貼為媒介,揉合個人想像、民間傳說和歷史檔案,追溯香港島嶼的消逝。她首個個人展覽「本土一覽」於2020年舉行,作品亦見於巴塞爾藝術展(2022及21)及典亞藝博(2020)等群展,廣為私人收藏。她曾入圍「WMA 映香港攝影比賽」決賽(2019),更獲頒「傑出藝術品(繪畫)」(香港藝術學院,2017)及 C&G Artpartment 獎項(2020)。
Wenda YIU graduated from the RMIT University with a BA degree in Fine Art (co-presented with Hong Kong Art School), majoring in painting. Her practice derives from her interest in nature and its relationship with humanity and culture. In recent years, she traces the disappearance of islands in Hong Kong with imaginations and research into archives and folklore, and explored them through mediums including old maps, ink painting, photography and collage. Her artworks were shown in a number of joint exhibitions in Hong Kong, including Art Basel (2022, 2021) and Fine Art Asia (2020), and were collected by private collectors. Yiu held her first solo exhibition ‘Mapping Local’ in 2020. She received the ‘Outstanding Artwork (Painting)’ prize at Hong Kong Art School (2017), the finalist award in ‘WMA Open Photo Contest’ (2019) and the C&G Artpartment Award (2020).
This session was supported by WMA.
As we take root on the shoreline, let’s imagine new ways of living by the sea. This workshop explored how fictional writing and visual story-telling can assist us in projecting ourselves into lifestyles that respect living ecosystems.
姚冬穎 – 畢業於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學(與香港藝術學院合辦)的藝術文學士課程,主修繪畫。她的創作一直關注自然與人文關係,近年以古地圖、水墨、影像及拼貼為媒介,揉合個人想像、民間傳說和歷史檔案,追溯香港島嶼的消逝。她首個個人展覽「本土一覽」於2020年舉行,作品亦見於巴塞爾藝術展(2022及21)及典亞藝博(2020)等群展,廣為私人收藏。她曾入圍「WMA 映香港攝影比賽」決賽(2019),更獲頒「傑出藝術品(繪畫)」(香港藝術學院,2017)及 C&G Artpartment 獎項(2020)。
Wenda YIU graduated from the RMIT University with a BA degree in Fine Art (co-presented with Hong Kong Art School), majoring in painting. Her practice derives from her interest in nature and its relationship with humanity and culture. In recent years, she traces the disappearance of islands in Hong Kong with imaginations and research into archives and folklore, and explored them through mediums including old maps, ink painting, photography and collage. Her artworks were shown in a number of joint exhibitions in Hong Kong, including Art Basel (2022, 2021) and Fine Art Asia (2020), and were collected by private collectors. Yiu held her first solo exhibition ‘Mapping Local’ in 2020. She received the ‘Outstanding Artwork (Painting)’ prize at Hong Kong Art School (2017), the finalist award in ‘WMA Open Photo Contest’ (2019) and the C&G Artpartment Award (2020).
This session was supported by WMA.