Little Islanders
In collaboration with Peng Chau-based The Good Soil, we carry activities on the island and with the local kindergardens and schools. We believe island children grow up with a very special attachment to their environment and communities, aware of the beauty and limits of their living places. Our activities aim at valuing this unique bound and the little islanders’ own narratives to enable them to grow up happily on the island and continue cherish it when they are older.
Using mapping, art, and other creative means we invite children and teenagers to rediscover their environment and its history, and to imagine ways of being together that respect the soil, the sea and their inhabitants. We organise both one-off and month-long activities.
kids education
co-organise with The Good Soil
Partner Organisation:
Holy Family School Wei Peng Kindergarden
co-organise with The Good Soil
Partner Organisation:
Holy Family School Wei Peng Kindergarden
Zizaat Lantern workshop
Before Mid-Autumn Festival we invite the local craftsmaster to organise workshops at Islanders Space and with the local school, to transmit the tradition of zizaat (bamboo craft) lantern making to the younger generations.
#local_culture #community
#local_culture #community

Papaya Hunting
This activity was organised with students of Wai Peng Kindergarten. Conceived as a treasure hunt to find papaya trees in the vicinity of the school, the activity was based on the research work conducted for the issue 02 of the Islanders Zine. It aimed at reconnecting the children to the place they live, develop their curiosity and observation skills and their awareness about local food cycles. Little children proved to know a lot about papayas—from recipes to plant characteristics—and fiercely enjoyed looking for this ordinary treasure!
#natural_environment #community
#natural_environment #community

My Peng Chau Neighbours
In this highly-interactive activity, facilitators introduced students to their island through a novel perspective to raise awareness about the environment. ‘who are my neighbours?’ Pre-teens were invited to rediscover their island by revisiting their own relationships to their various neighbours: people, animals, insects, elements… Following the thread of “relationships” enables us to relate more effectively to others; “nature” and ecological concerns are not distant concepts that are difficult to understand, but lived on a daily basis.
Through art, students then expressed their own perception of their relationship to their neighbours with photo-collage.
#community #natural_environment
Through art, students then expressed their own perception of their relationship to their neighbours with photo-collage.
#community #natural_environment
Cinema Reimagination
The activity was conducted with Primary 4-6 students of Holy Family School. It aimed at stimulating critical thinking about redevelopment and the place of abandoned buildings in our cities. Taking the case of the Peng Chau Theatre (abandoned for 40 years), we proposed students to propel themselves in the fantastic world of science-fiction and imagine who would inhabit that space. Using science-fiction and photo-collage, the workshop opened a breach in their routine, in their ways of thinking, of conceiving their island, and in their imaginary.